Treasure Town
$200 Treasure Town Grab Bag
$200 Treasure Town Grab Bag
About $200 retail value of U.S., world, and ancient coins hand selected by Christian & Isaiah at Treasure Town! The coins are likely to be weighted towards world and ancients, and because of high order volumes, are not customizable. We offer relatively low prices in the fixed sale format, generally below what we sell on Whatnot and certainly under our eBay offerings. $200 often lets us include a graded item or two, or an individual coin in the $50-$80 value range.
Note: These are not mystery bags, in the sense that we won't sell one $200 price bag with $1,000 of coins in it, and then nine with $100 of coins - all are handpicked to get near $200 or a touch over in retail value. You will not receive all coins in the photo - they are a representative sample of some of the types offered!